Research support, questionnaire system YouVo, outsourcing,
web and system development, system implementation support, etc.

seven laboratory support services
About Us

Initiatives for the SDGs

What is SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)?
We are contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by working towards the realization of the SDGs. We are conscious of what we can do and are working on it.
What is SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) formulated in 2001, and are the international goals for a sustainable and better world by 2030, as stated in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. The SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets, and pledge to "leave no one behind" on the Earth. the SDGs are universal, not only for developing countries but also for developed countries themselves, and Japan is actively working on them. (From the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

Our Approach

More than 90% of our employees are women. Although we didn't choose to be, we work hard every day in an all-female company. I have never been conscious of the fact that I am a woman or a man, and I have been working on my business since its establishment in 1984.

However, the reality is that there is a big difference in the degree of gender equality in Japan from the global perspective. According to the Gender Gap Index, Japan ranks 121st among 149 countries. Japan is truly a male society. Only 6% of the executives of listed companies in Japan are women. In France and Norway, the percentage is 40%, and in the U.S., it is over 20%. Even if you think that men and women are equal, you will realize that the current society has become the norm, but it is not really equal. We will continue to work towards the realization of the SDGs in order to create a society where women can be more active and shine.

Also, as part of our diversity and inclusion efforts, we accept people with disabilities and foreigners so that they can play an active role in our company.


Achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.
Related Targets 5.c
Introduce and strengthen appropriate policies and binding waivers for the promotion of gender equality and the strengthening of the capacities of all women and girls at all levels.

Companies accredited by Weconnect International

December 20, 2019: Accredited by Weconnect International.

A company that promotes the advancement of women

January 26, 2017: Certified as a company that promotes the advancement of women.

D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) Initiatives
We are working on D&I (Diversity Inclusion).

We recognize each other and aim for a diverse work style.

  • Unmarried, married, single mother, disabled, foreigner
  • Various work styles such as full-time, telework, and shorter hours

We feel that it is important for each of us to recognize and utilize the value of each of our diverse ways of working and accepting them, so that we can increase the value of the company and lead to growth. All employees will fulfill our roles properly and earn the trust of customers, thereby achieving growth for ourselves and the company.

Media Introduction

SDGs Action Input to Output, a book published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, introduced us as a Japanese company with female management certified by WEConnect.

Weconnect International is an international non-governmental organization that supports the growth of women-owned and operated businesses by certifying them internationally, bringing them into the supply chains of major corporations, and providing market access and trading opportunities for women-owned businesses.

Part 5: Achieving Gender Equality

Our company was listed in the Japanese companies with female managers certified by WEConnect.

Examples of Initiatives

Our company is participating in a research project selected for the Co-Creative Research and Development Program for Achieving the SDGs.
Japan Science and Technology Agency, Research and Development Center for Social Technology (RISTEX), FY2019 Strategic Creative Research Promotion Project (Research and Development of Social Technology)
In the co-creative research and development program for achieving the SDGs, Professor Miyoko Nagae of Nihon Fukushi University's School of Nursing
We are also participating in the research project of Professor Yoko Nagae, Faculty of Nursing, Nihon Fukushi University, "Human Resource Development and Social System Creation for Early Intervention and PTSD Prevention to Eliminate Sexual Violence" (Grant number: JPMJRX19I4).


By 2030, sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, information and education, and their inclusion in national strategies and plans for sexual and reproductive health, will be accessible to all.
Target 3.7


Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls, in public and private spaces, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.
Target 5.2


Significantly reduce all forms of violence and violence-related mortality in all locations.
Target 16.1

Eradicate the abuse, exploitation, trade and all forms of violence and torture against children.
Target 16.2